Growth – salvation or curse?

Photo by Micheile Henderson Life was bad enough, even before the Government chose to put our economy into a tailspin. A cost of living crisis fuelled by war in Ukraine, inflation at its highest for 40 years, public debt at a level not seen since the Second World War, and warnings of recession. Their solution? … Continue reading Growth – salvation or curse?

What can I do to have the greatest impact?

Photo by Markus Spiske Let's not pretend we can save the planet by rejecting plastic straws or switching our detergent, or even off-setting a 'business as usual' approach. The truth is we've left it too late for any response but the most urgent and far-reaching, involving each and every one of us. 'We are now … Continue reading What can I do to have the greatest impact?

Protest – from the barricades or from your armchair

Small steps... If stripping off in Parliament or sailing into Oxford Circus seem just a little too overstated, there are plenty more British ways to protest.Make sure politicians know they'll lose your vote and businesses will lose your money unless they act on climate change.Donate in support of those charities protesting on our behalf.Sign up … Continue reading Protest – from the barricades or from your armchair

Divestment and you

Small steps... Check your own investments - especially your pension - and divest (or ask your pension manager to divest) from fossil fuels.Choose alternative investments that support the transition to a greener future through sustainable, environmentally-friendly practices.Be loud and proud of your decision to join the growing movement! -------------------------------------------- Ah, the beauty (cough) of a … Continue reading Divestment and you