What can I do to have the greatest impact?

Photo by Markus Spiske Let's not pretend we can save the planet by rejecting plastic straws or switching our detergent, or even off-setting a 'business as usual' approach. The truth is we've left it too late for any response but the most urgent and far-reaching, involving each and every one of us. 'We are now … Continue reading What can I do to have the greatest impact?

Wood – carbon neutral fuel, or climate red herring?

One regular cause of friction in our house is the lighting. My wife would happily light up the entire house even when sitting in just one room, whereas I’m all for the easy wins when it comes to saving energy so walk around turning them off. After all our years together we’ve settled into a … Continue reading Wood – carbon neutral fuel, or climate red herring?

Whosoever plants a tree…

Small steps... Plant trees! But choose species native to your area.Donate to The Woodland Trust. They not only plant trees and protect existing woodland, but lobby government to strengthen legislation and meet its own commitments.Be a NIMBY! Fight for the life of every tree.Consider the impact of your diet on forests around the world.Volunteer with … Continue reading Whosoever plants a tree…